A while ago, Erich and I went to this little cafe called Ted & Honey in Brooklyn for brunch one weekend. I ordered a sandwich with walnut pesto, butternut squash and home made mozzarella. It was amazing! Recently Erich and I recreated the sandwiches for dinner one evening, and then I got to thinking...this would be an interesting combo on top of pizza pie!
We started out with making a pepita pesto.
A dollop of creme fraiche?
Yes, please!
Roll. it. out.
Adding a little extra caramelization to the butternut squash.
Spread pesto.
Arrange toppings.
Fall perfection in each slice.
Butternut Squash Pie with Pepita Pesto
Pepita Pesto
1/4 c. sunflower seed butter (recipe found here)
2 Tbsp. spiced pepitas (see below)
1 bunch basil
2 garlic cloves
juice of 1/2 lemon
3 Tbsp. creme fraiche
salt & pepper to taste
olive oil
Pie Toppings
1/2 medium butternut squash
1/3 c. parmesean
1/4 c. pepitas
sea salt
olive oil
First prepare the dough. While you wait for the dough to rise, cut the butternut squash in half, remove the seeds, pierce with a fork and coat the top with a drizzle of olive oil and salt. Roast in the oven at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes or until the flesh turns golden brown and is soft. Let it cool, then cut into cubes and scoop from the bottom. You also could cut into cubes and then roast the squash. Next prepare the spiced pepitas. Add to a heated pan 1 Tbsp olive oil, all of the pepita seeds. Cook until seeds turn golden brown, then add a dash salt and cumin. Remove from heat. Next, prepare the pepita pesto. Add fresh basil, garlic, sunflower seed butter, spiced pepitas, lemon juice, and 2 Tbsps olive oil. This pesto is more creamy, and less oily than your average pesto, so add only a little olive oil. Pulse. Then add creme fraiche, and season to taste. Once all of the ingredients are ready, spread the pesto on, and add the rest of the toppings except for the pepita seeds. Bake at 500/550 (whatever temperature you're oven can handle) for 8 minutes. Eat!
Hope you all have a wonderfully delicious Thanksgiving!